Dead Animal Removal Service

Dead Animal Removal Service

As we start our days, a lookout from the porch can bring sights of deer grazing, rabbits hopping about, and other wildlife. Those warm feelings we get have been shown to reduce stress levels. What happens though when what we see is not what was expected. Finding a dead animal on your property can ruin your day and present you with the added task of removal. If you find multiple dead animals or birds, write down how many and what species and contact the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. For help removing them, Wildlife Services is Illinois’ top-rated animal carcass removal service.


Our natural reaction is to get the body off the property as soon as possible but attempting this yourself can be a dangerous proposition. There are regulations for preparing the animal and disposing of it in the garbage, and failure to follow these steps can result in fines. The preparation involves you touching the body, and that’s where the risk comes in. For starters, there is the potential that the animal is just sick or wounded and attempting to touch it can result in an attack. When you are sure the animal is dead, it is recommended to remove it within 24 hours, and that is actually required in some states. The smell of the decomposing body can lure predators and scavengers to your property. 


The greatest risk involved with doing this yourself is that you may be exposed to zoonotic illnesses. Rabies can be transmitted through a scratch from a claw or a tooth, and even though the animal is dead, the risk is still there. The virus can live for up to 24 hours in conditions above 70° but can live longer in colder conditions. As the body cools, parasites such as ticks and fleas abandon ship and look for the next closest host, and that can be you. With them comes a whole other slew of diseases. Tularemia also presents a health risk, is highly contagious, and can be fatal. The symptoms, which are many, can take up to 21 days to appear. 


The outdoors is not the only place an animal can perish, and a funky smell appearing in your home and getting worse is one of the signs. This presents the added risk of a pest infestation and the appearance of decomposers. They help break the carcass down and can include millipedes, earthworms, and termites. The last of which can turn into a very expensive proposition. Aside from the smell, you may notice stains on the ceiling and drywall, flies buzzing about those areas and a pet having an unusual attraction.


In the sad circumstance where the dead animal was the family pet, there are strict regulations for the burial, and in some states, it is illegal


In Northern Illinois, if you have the unfortunate circumstance of encountering a dead animal in your home or on your property, there is no need to put your health at risk. The professionals at Wildlife Services have the proper training and personal protection equipment to safely remove the problem. We also offer services to remove nuisance wildlife, keep them out, and fix the damage they do. For your wildlife issues, whether alive or dead, contact us today for an estimate.

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